Wednesday, 11 December 2019

My Thoughts On Forgiveness

That quote on my sidebar over there is by Maya Angelou. I live by it and it has served me well.

But let me explain because it can be a tricky thing, this forgiveness . . .

Forgiveness is a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.

it does NOT mean forgetting, condoning or excusing the offence.

It's a process that has to be intentional and voluntary and requires a shift in feelings and attitude.

Again, Maya says it best:

'You are relieved 
of carrying that burden
 of resentment 
You really are lighter 
You feel lighter'

It really is a gift . . . from you to YOU.


  1. I understand this and try to live it. Not always easy but so much better than holding a grudge. The saying is if you hold this it's like taking poison hoping it hurts the other person. It only hurts you. I believe this with all my being.

  2. The Giver of the Law11 December 2019 at 12:59

    Sue, you`re obviously a very sweet and sensitive person (two very attractive and charming character traits, i might say) and i was just wondering whether this post was prompted by what i said on here the other day before i was so unceremoniously deleted by your good self, i think that what you and Maya believe is very noble and, yes, "magical" (to use your favourite word), but let me leave you with a final thought (in the form of a question which i`d like you to reply to otherwise its like you`re semi-copping-out, as it were). "Why should good people have to put up with the behaviour of bad people ?", oh...and your reply dont give me any of that 'American Dream, Democracy, Freedom, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness' crap that allows people in America to do appalling things to others without being properly punished (or even punished at all in some cases), tell me what YOU really think as the kind and loving person that you obviously are.

    1. Dear Giver of the Law, first of all ... I'm not American nor am I a dreamer. Secondly, these are MY thoughts on forgiveness as the the title clearly states. This works for ME. This IS what I 'really think.'

  3. Forgiveness is hard, but it really is the best gift to yourself.

  4. It is true. Resentment is a heavy burden but learning to let it go is so hard. I wish our innerselves were built to let go of the negative in an easier way. I wouldn't know how to teach someone to let go but I can promise if you find your way you'll feel so much better.

    1. I believe it's a choice, Barbara. One we have to make daily.
