Sunday 16 June 2019

16 Months ...

The transition continues! It's been 16 months since I last coloured my greys.

Growing out the dye is a long process that tests my patience on a daily basis ... talk about delayed gratification!

But I know the day will come when all the unhealthy, brassy stuff is gone forever.

Until then, here is the BEFORE

February 2018

... and the DURING

June 2019

Looking forward (more than I can say) to the AFTER.


  1. Looks good. You'll be so glad when you are all natural. I don't know how long it took for my 'long' hair to grow out, but it was quite sometime.

    Happy Summer ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks, Lorraine. My dream is to grow it long like yours and wear it in a braid!

  2. Looking good, Sue! I agree with you about Lorraine's hair. It's beautiful. When I decided to stop coloring my hair I had my hairdresser cut it super short, so it didn't take me long to grow out the gray. Maybe a few months at the most. However, then I decided this past year to let it grow out from a pixie and that has been a worse ordeal for me than the graying process. I think because there's that really awkward stage where you just can't do anything with it. At least that's been my experience. It's finally at a stage where I feel human again. Hah! Hugs.

  3. Oh I so wish to do this! You're looking great. Every one keeps telling me not to do it. But I'm 80% ready and then something makes me not do it. Awwwh.
    Right now growing out my hair and not sure I could handle both. Although i may just give up the growing out part soon. I can't wait until we see your gorgeous white hair!!

  4. Thank you, Margaret. Check out the Facebook page 'Going Grey and Loving It' for some really good encouragment and support. I check in when I'm feeling like my resolve is weakening. It's a tough process, but if you're not ready, you're not ready. Good luck! xo

    1. Funny you say that. I was a part of it but was ridiculted and bullied when I made the horrific error of asking some questions and telling them my concerns. They were brutal and mean. I figured I didn't need that crap from strangers I beat myself up enough. One woman kept coming back and being meaner and meaner. And her last line I will never forget, if you don't have the courage to do this get off this page because I feel that you are shallow. Nice wasn't she?

    2. I'm sorry to hear that. Are you sure it was Sharon Danley's page? She doesn't allow that kind of thing to happen. Maybe it was another Facebook page of going grey; there are so many.

  5. My hair wasn't as short as it is now when I started letting it grow out, probably about your length. I can't remember when or why I decided to go this short, I do know the growing out feels easier when you have short hair. I think the easiest solution is just to remove all the mirrors in the house! I still keep getting startled seeing my grandmother in the mirror. Hahaha.

  6. I think you look beautiful! Keep up the great work.
