Sunday, 19 January 2020

New Year Funk

Well folks, I think I'm near the end of this cold that's had a hold on me for way too long.

Not very exciting or blog worthy but, it is what it is.

I'm not sure the black elderberry did much, but it didn't hurt, I guess. They say it should be taken at the first signs of a cold and I was well into in by the time I gave it a shot.

Other than that not much going on here except that I find myself in a funk. I didn't make any new year resolutions, so that's not it. I've read that by mid January most resolutions are out the window, but not the case here as none were made, so none were broken.

I'm exercising, eating well and life is as per usual. But something's missing ... I'm feeling kind of flat.

How about you? What's going on in your life? Can you relate?


  1. I have had a couple of health related chores that have kept me busy. I have also tried to stay away from people, stores, anywhere the sick bugs are deposited. Everyone I know is taking several weeks to feel good again after the latest bug.

  2. I am sadly in that same boat. Wish I could help you - if you figure it out let us know. btw, this cough and cold won't leave me and I am so tired of it. HOw long did this last for you?

    1. I started feeling 'funny' new year's eve, and haven't quite felt right since. Way too long but good to know I'm not alone.

  3. January is such a "blah" month. Our cold temps have me unmotivated. No resolutions for me, either.
